Audience granted to the World Bank team


The Minister of Social Affairs, Pauline Irène NGUENE, received in audience an important delegation from the World Bank, led by Mrs Elisabeth HUYBENS, Director of Strategy and Operations, on Thursday, June 8, 2023 in her office.

Discussions focused on the commitment and support of the financial institution in the social sector in Cameroon. This collaboration is considered to be very close and satisfactory in the large-scale projects of this ministerial department. According to the Director of Operations, the World Bank would like to ensure the quality of this support by building the capacities of those involved. The two personalities made a review of the implementation of the existing legal framework, the quality of technical, material and logistical support in taking into account the social dimension of projects, the RESUC, etc...

Another important subject raised was access of vulnerable groups to citizenship in general and civil status in particular, a concern requiring greater awareness and better coordination.